For the 2024-2025 school year, different adult classes will have different modalities. Please see below for the information about each class. Open enrollment begins on June 1st, 2024. Please see our registration page for more information. *Class offerings are contingent upon a minimum number of registrants and are subject to change.
Our adult classes are for beginners, intermediate and advanced students. Many parents decide to learn German along with their children and classes are lively and low-key. The focus of the adult class is conversation and the goal is to be able to communicate with native German speakers.
Beginner German (9/15 Registered) - Registration for this course closes on October 14th Teacher: Leah Steiner-Sutor Class Time: Monday Evenings 6:00PM - 7:30PM Modality: In Person
Course Description This class is geared toward casual speaking in a non-academic environment. Most of the class is focused on initial basic vocabulary and grammar acquisition and practice of basic speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. This course also includes a variety of culture skills as to avoid culture shock when visiting Germany or any German speaking country. It is a fun introduction to German and at completion gives you the tools to have a very basic conversation and to find your way around in a German speaking country.
Intermediate German - Course Not Offered for 24/25 Year Teacher: Class Time: Modality:
Course Description This class is an intermediate course that builds on the curriculum of Beginner German with a special emphasis on expanding vocabulary in a number of subject areas including German current events, culture and history; jobs and the workplace; leisure time and travel; and family and relationships. Grammatical topics and concepts learned in Intermediate German will be reviewed and reinforced through conversational and writing activities. Additionally, students will continue to learn German idioms and will be introduced to some basic elements of the subjunctive mood and passive voice.
Upper Intermediate German (7/15 Registered) Teacher: Sarah Traylor Class Time: Tuesday evenings 6:00PM - 7:30PM Modality: Online Course Description This course is intended for those with an intermediate knowledge of the German language looking to improve skills in speaking, reading, writing, and understanding oral German. It will cover grammar topics at the B1+ level (Common European Framework of Reference), and offer opportunities to practice conversation and engage with contemporary German culture and current events. The class will take place online and will use the textbook Vielfalt B2.1. Required Materials
Textbook and Workbook: Vielfalt - Digital Version (ISBN 978-3-19-211037-5)
**Each student will receive a digital version of the textbook with registration. If you are interested in a physical copy of this book, please indicate that in your registration and pay by August 1, 2024