Children's Classes
![]() We offer the following classes for children at OGLS:
For the 2024-2025 school year, OGLS plans to offer all children's classes in person at the St. Mary Middle School location (address below). Should there be further public health concerns that warrant a reconsideration of in-person classes, we will discuss a potential shift to online classes with our teachers, families and staff. Open enrollment begins on June 1st, 2024. For more information, visit our Registration page. *Class offerings are contingent upon a minimum number of registrants. **The 2024-2025 School year for Children's classes will be structured differently due to registration numbers. Please sign up for the level your child would be in and we will email you about the class format. Miniklub - Ages 2 and under - Course not offered for the 2024/2025 school year Teacher: Class Time: Miniklub is an introduction to the German language through songs, rhymes, stories and play. Parents will get the opportunity to enjoy and learn the language along side their children in this interactive 45 minute class. Kita - Preschool, Ages 3-4 - Course not offered for the 2024/2025 school year Teacher: Class Time: Libellen is for children ages 3-4 (potty trained). Children learn verbal communication skills through songs, games, activities and art projects. Each week students learn topic related words and phrases while socializing with peers and their teacher. Kindergarten, Ages 4-6 (6/15 registered) Teacher: Frau Semra Class Time: Saturday mornings 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM We offer a Kindergarten class (4-6 year old) where no reading and writing skills are required and children with different levels of German knowledge are mixed. At this young age, children are able to learn a language quickly through songs, games, stories and interaction with peers. At the end of Kindergarten the children will have learned: Numbers, Colors, Shapes, About Me, Calendar as well as vocabulary and phrases related to various topics, including culture. |

Igel - Ages 6-8 (8/15 registered)
Teacher: Frau Leah
Class Time: Saturday mornings 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM (**Time subject to change based on class needs)
Children who have reading and writing skills are in the Beginner's class. The goal is to prepare these children to join the upper level within the following two years. We learn together about the following topics during the school year: School, Family, House, Clothing, Body, Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Opposites, Position, Animals, Food, Weather, Seasons. This class is supported by the Grüner Max textbook.
Teacher: Frau Leah
Class Time: Saturday mornings 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM (**Time subject to change based on class needs)
Children who have reading and writing skills are in the Beginner's class. The goal is to prepare these children to join the upper level within the following two years. We learn together about the following topics during the school year: School, Family, House, Clothing, Body, Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Opposites, Position, Animals, Food, Weather, Seasons. This class is supported by the Grüner Max textbook.

Frösche - Ages 9-11 - Course not offered for the 2024/2025 school year
Class Time:
In the Frösche class, we learn to engage with all four key language skills in German. Students practice writing sentences and longer texts on a weekly basis, and we read stories and other texts and discuss them. Class is conducted primarily in German, so students get to use their speaking listening skills through the class. Students gain an understanding of grammatical principle, which, along with vocabulary, is reinforced through exercises and games. In addition, we also learn about the history and culture of German-speaking countries. Students can collaborate on a project at the end of the year to showcase what they have learned.
Class Time:
In the Frösche class, we learn to engage with all four key language skills in German. Students practice writing sentences and longer texts on a weekly basis, and we read stories and other texts and discuss them. Class is conducted primarily in German, so students get to use their speaking listening skills through the class. Students gain an understanding of grammatical principle, which, along with vocabulary, is reinforced through exercises and games. In addition, we also learn about the history and culture of German-speaking countries. Students can collaborate on a project at the end of the year to showcase what they have learned.
Adler - (5/10 registered)
Teacher: Frau Ramona
Class Time: Monday evenings 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (**Time subject to change based on class needs)
The Adler class is an advanced class that continues to learn how to read and write sentences with previous as well as new knowledge. This course is for advance German speakers and native German speakers.
Teacher: Frau Ramona
Class Time: Monday evenings 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (**Time subject to change based on class needs)
The Adler class is an advanced class that continues to learn how to read and write sentences with previous as well as new knowledge. This course is for advance German speakers and native German speakers.